How to Label your Posts

This page explains the use of labels in this blog. For the full list of valid labels, please refer to the List of Labels page.

Find the labels tab to the right.  A list of labels used will appear when you click on it.

The purpose of using controlled vocabulary labels in our blog is to assist all students who take this course (past, present, and future) to access and retrieve research content easily. Blogger automatically lists the labels from every post in alphabetical order. Therefore, our simplified cataloging system is designed to group similar items together. The system is an easy one: All articles and research materials fall into one of the four main topics outlined in the Module 1 Overview.  

Four Main Topics:
ET = Educational Theory and Practice
CA = Curriculum Assessment
CO = Collaboration
IL = Information Literacy and 21st Century Skills

All other content (discussion posts, inquiries, entertainment, etc.) unrelated to research is labeled with the indicator Z.

Z = All other content

NOTE: If you have a question for the instructor, please email him rather than post the question in the blog.

Each label has two parts: the reference or catalog code (representing one of the four main research topics or Z), and the subtopic or specific subject, which is spelled out. A hyphen (-) separates the code from the subtopic without spaces. 

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